Monitoring and observing Vector
Use logs and metrics generated by Vector itself in your Vector topology
Although Vector is primarily used to handle observability data from a wide variety of sources, we also strive to
make Vector highly observable itself. To that end, Vector provides two sources, internal_logs
, that you can use to handle logs and metrics produced by Vector just like you
would logs and metrics from any other source.
Vector provides clear, informative, well-structured logs via the internal_logs
source. This section
shows you how to use them in your Vector topology.
Which logs Vector pipes through the internal_logs
source is determined by the log level, which defaults
to info
In addition to the internal_logs
source, Vector also writes its logs to stderr
, which can be captured by
Kubernetes, SystemD, or however you are running Vector.
Accessing logs
You can access Vector’s logs by adding an internal_logs
source to your topology. Here’s an example
configuration that takes Vector’s logs and pipes them to the console as plain text:
type = "internal_logs"
type = "console"
inputs = ["vector_logs"]
encoding.codec = "text"
Using Vector logs
Once Vector logs enter your topology through the internal_logs
source, you can treat them like logs from any other
system, i.e. you can transform them and send them off to any number of sinks. The configuration below, for example,
transforms Vector’s logs using the remap
transform and Vector Remap Language and then stores those
logs in ClickHouse:
type = "internal_logs"
type = "remap"
inputs = ["vector_logs"]
# Reformat the timestamp to Unix time
source = '''
.timestamp = to_unix_timestamp!(to_timestamp!(.timestamp))
type = "clickhouse"
inputs = ["modify"]
host = "http://localhost:8123"
table = "vector-log-data"
Configuring logs
Vector logs at the info
level by default. You can set a different level when starting up your instance using either
command-line flags or the VECTOR_LOG
environment variable. The table below details these options:
Method | Description |
-v flag | Drops the log level to debug |
-vv flag | Drops the log level to trace |
-q flag | Raises the log level to warn |
-qq flag | Raises the log level to error |
-qqq flag | Disables logging |
VECTOR_LOG=<level> environment variable | Set the log level. Must be one of trace , debug , info , warn , error , off . |
Stack traces
You can enable full error backtraces by setting the RUST_BACKTRACE=full
environment variable. More on this in the
Troubleshooting guide.
You can monitor metrics produced by Vector using the internal_metrics
source. As with Vector’s
internal logs, you can configure an internal_metrics
source and use the piped-in metrics
however you wish. Here’s an example configuration that delivers Vector’s metrics to a Prometheus remote write endpoint.
type = "internal_metrics"
type = ["prometheus_remote_write"]
endpoint = ["https://localhost:8087/"]
inputs = ["vector_metrics"]
Metrics catalogue
The table below provides a list of internal metrics provided by Vector. See the docs for the internal_metrics
source for more detailed information about the available metrics.
Name | Description | Data type |
active_clients | Number of clients attached to a component. | gauge |
adaptive_concurrency_averaged_rtt | The average round-trip time (RTT) for the current window. | histogram |
adaptive_concurrency_in_flight | The number of outbound requests currently awaiting a response. | histogram |
adaptive_concurrency_limit | The concurrency limit that the adaptive concurrency feature has decided on for this current window. | histogram |
adaptive_concurrency_observed_rtt | The observed round-trip time (RTT) for requests. | histogram |
aggregate_events_recorded_total | The number of events recorded by the aggregate transform. | counter |
aggregate_failed_updates | The number of failed metric updates, incremental adds, encountered by the aggregate transform. | counter |
aggregate_flushes_total | The number of flushes done by the aggregate transform. | counter |
api_started_total | The number of times the Vector GraphQL API has been started. | counter |
buffer_byte_size | The number of bytes current in the buffer. | gauge |
buffer_discarded_events_total | The number of events dropped by this non-blocking buffer. | counter |
buffer_events | The number of events currently in the buffer. | gauge |
buffer_received_event_bytes_total | The number of bytes received by this buffer. | counter |
buffer_received_events_total | The number of events received by this buffer. | counter |
buffer_send_duration_seconds | The duration spent sending a payload to this buffer. | histogram |
buffer_sent_event_bytes_total | The number of bytes sent by this buffer. | counter |
buffer_sent_events_total | The number of events sent by this buffer. | counter |
build_info | Has a fixed value of 1.0. Contains build information such as Rust and Vector versions. | gauge |
checkpoints_total | The total number of files checkpointed. | counter |
checksum_errors_total | The total number of errors identifying files via checksum. | counter |
collect_completed_total | The total number of metrics collections completed for this component. | counter |
collect_duration_seconds | The duration spent collecting of metrics for this component. | histogram |
command_executed_total | The total number of times a command has been executed. | counter |
command_execution_duration_seconds | The command execution duration in seconds. | histogram |
component_discarded_events_total | The number of events dropped by this component. | counter |
component_errors_total | The total number of errors encountered by this component. | counter |
component_received_bytes | The size in bytes of each event received by the source. | histogram |
component_received_bytes_total | The number of raw bytes accepted by this component from source origins. | counter |
component_received_event_bytes_total | The number of event bytes accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins. | counter |
component_received_events_count | A histogram of the number of events passed in each internal batch in Vector’s internal topology. Note that this is separate than sink-level batching. It is mostly useful for low level debugging performance issues in Vector due to small internal batches. | histogram |
component_received_events_total | The number of events accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins. | counter |
component_sent_bytes_total | The number of raw bytes sent by this component to destination sinks. | counter |
component_sent_event_bytes_total | The total number of event bytes emitted by this component. | counter |
component_sent_events_total | The total number of events emitted by this component. | counter |
connection_established_total | The total number of times a connection has been established. | counter |
connection_read_errors_total | The total number of errors reading datagram. | counter |
connection_send_errors_total | The total number of errors sending data via the connection. | counter |
connection_shutdown_total | The total number of times the connection has been shut down. | counter |
container_processed_events_total | The total number of container events processed. | counter |
containers_unwatched_total | The total number of times Vector stopped watching for container logs. | counter |
containers_watched_total | The total number of times Vector started watching for container logs. | counter |
datadog_logs_received_in_total | Number of Datadog logs received. | counter |
datadog_metrics_received_in_total | Number of Datadog metrics received. | counter |
events_discarded_total | The total number of events discarded by this component. | counter |
files_added_total | The total number of files Vector has found to watch. | counter |
files_deleted_total | The total number of files deleted. | counter |
files_resumed_total | The total number of times Vector has resumed watching a file. | counter |
files_unwatched_total | The total number of times Vector has stopped watching a file. | counter |
grpc_server_handler_duration_seconds | The duration spent handling a gRPC request. | histogram |
grpc_server_messages_received_total | The total number of gRPC messages received. | counter |
grpc_server_messages_sent_total | The total number of gRPC messages sent. | counter |
http_client_requests_sent_total | The total number of sent HTTP requests, tagged with the request method. | counter |
http_client_response_rtt_seconds | The round-trip time (RTT) of HTTP requests, tagged with the response code. | histogram |
http_client_responses_total | The total number of HTTP requests, tagged with the response code. | counter |
http_client_rtt_seconds | The round-trip time (RTT) of HTTP requests. | histogram |
http_requests_total | The total number of HTTP requests issued by this component. | counter |
http_server_handler_duration_seconds | The duration spent handling a HTTP request. | histogram |
http_server_requests_received_total | The total number of HTTP requests received. | counter |
http_server_responses_sent_total | The total number of HTTP responses sent. | counter |
internal_metrics_cardinality | The total number of metrics emitted from the internal metrics registry. | gauge |
internal_metrics_cardinality_total | The total number of metrics emitted from the internal metrics registry. This metric is deprecated in favor of internal_metrics_cardinality . | counter |
invalid_record_total | The total number of invalid records that have been discarded. | counter |
k8s_docker_format_parse_failures_total | The total number of failures to parse a message as a JSON object. | counter |
k8s_format_picker_edge_cases_total | The total number of edge cases encountered while picking format of the Kubernetes log message. | counter |
kafka_consumed_messages_bytes_total | Total number of message bytes (including framing) received from Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_consumed_messages_total | Total number of messages consumed, not including ignored messages (due to offset, etc), from Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_consumer_lag | The Kafka consumer lag. | gauge |
kafka_produced_messages_bytes_total | Total number of message bytes (including framing, such as per-Message framing and MessageSet/batch framing) transmitted to Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_produced_messages_total | Total number of messages transmitted (produced) to Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_queue_messages | Current number of messages in producer queues. | gauge |
kafka_queue_messages_bytes | Current total size of messages in producer queues. | gauge |
kafka_requests_bytes_total | Total number of bytes transmitted to Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_requests_total | Total number of requests sent to Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_responses_bytes_total | Total number of bytes received from Kafka brokers. | counter |
kafka_responses_total | Total number of responses received from Kafka brokers. | counter |
lua_memory_used_bytes | The total memory currently being used by the Lua runtime. | gauge |
metadata_refresh_failed_total | The total number of failed efforts to refresh AWS EC2 metadata. | counter |
metadata_refresh_successful_total | The total number of AWS EC2 metadata refreshes. | counter |
open_connections | The number of current open connections to Vector. | gauge |
open_files | The total number of open files. | counter |
protobuf_decode_errors_total | The total number of Protocol Buffers errors thrown during communication between Vector instances. | counter |
quit_total | The total number of times the Vector instance has quit. | counter |
reloaded_total | The total number of times the Vector instance has been reloaded. | counter |
send_errors_total | The total number of errors sending messages. | counter |
source_lag_time_seconds | The difference between the timestamp recorded in each event and the time when it was ingested, expressed as fractional seconds. | histogram |
splunk_pending_acks | The number of outstanding Splunk HEC indexer acknowledgement acks. | gauge |
sqs_message_delete_succeeded_total | The total number of successful deletions of SQS messages. | counter |
sqs_message_processing_succeeded_total | The total number of SQS messages successfully processed. | counter |
sqs_message_receive_succeeded_total | The total number of times successfully receiving SQS messages. | counter |
sqs_message_received_messages_total | The total number of received SQS messages. | counter |
sqs_s3_event_record_ignored_total | The total number of times an S3 record in an SQS message was ignored (for an event that was not ObjectCreated ). | counter |
stale_events_flushed_total | The number of stale events that Vector has flushed. | counter |
started_total | The total number of times the Vector instance has been started. | counter |
stdin_reads_failed_total | The total number of errors reading from stdin. | counter |
stopped_total | The total number of times the Vector instance has been stopped. | counter |
streams_total | The total number of streams. | counter |
tag_value_limit_exceeded_total | The total number of events discarded because the tag has been rejected after
hitting the configured value_limit . | counter |
timestamp_parse_errors_total | The total number of errors encountered parsing RFC 3339 timestamps. | counter |
uptime_seconds | The total number of seconds the Vector instance has been up. | gauge |
utf8_convert_errors_total | The total number of errors converting bytes to a UTF-8 string in UDP mode. | counter |
utilization | A ratio from 0 to 1 of the load on a component. A value of 0 would indicate a completely idle component that is simply waiting for input. A value of 1 would indicate a that is never idle. This value is updated every 5 seconds. | gauge |
value_limit_reached_total | The total number of times new values for a key have been rejected because the value limit has been reached. | counter |
windows_service_install_total | The total number of times the Windows service has been installed. | counter |
windows_service_restart_total | The total number of times the Windows service has been restarted. | counter |
windows_service_start_total | The total number of times the Windows service has been started. | counter |
windows_service_stop_total | The total number of times the Windows service has been stopped. | counter |
windows_service_uninstall_total | The total number of times the Windows service has been uninstalled. | counter |
More information in our troubleshooting guide:
How it works
Event-driven observability
Vector employs an event-driven observability strategy that ensures consistent and correlated telemetry data. You can read more about our approach in RFC 2064.
Log rate limiting
Vector rate limits log events in the hot path. This enables you to get granular insight without the risk of saturating IO and disrupting the service. The trade-off is that repetitive logs aren’t logged.