GCP Operations (formerly Stackdriver) logs

Deliver logs to GCP’s Cloud Operations suite

status: beta delivery: at-least-once acknowledgements: yes egress: batch state: stateless


Example configurations

  "sinks": {
    "my_sink_id": {
      "type": "gcp_stackdriver_logs",
      "inputs": [
      "resource": {
        "instanceId": "Twilight",
        "zone": "{{ zone }}"
type = "gcp_stackdriver_logs"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]

  instanceId = "Twilight"
  zone = "{{ zone }}"
    type: gcp_stackdriver_logs
      - my-source-or-transform-id
      instanceId: Twilight
      zone: "{{ zone }}"
  "sinks": {
    "my_sink_id": {
      "type": "gcp_stackdriver_logs",
      "inputs": [
      "resource": {
        "instanceId": "Twilight",
        "zone": "{{ zone }}"
      "severity_key": "severity"
type = "gcp_stackdriver_logs"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
severity_key = "severity"

  instanceId = "Twilight"
  zone = "{{ zone }}"
    type: gcp_stackdriver_logs
      - my-source-or-transform-id
      instanceId: Twilight
      zone: "{{ zone }}"
    severity_key: severity


optional object

Controls how acknowledgements are handled for this sink.

See End-to-end Acknowledgements for more information on how event acknowledgement is handled.

Whether or not end-to-end acknowledgements are enabled.

When enabled for a sink, any source connected to that sink, where the source supports end-to-end acknowledgements as well, waits for events to be acknowledged by all connected sinks before acknowledging them at the source.

Enabling or disabling acknowledgements at the sink level takes precedence over any global acknowledgements configuration.


optional string literal

An API key.

Either an API key or a path to a service account credentials JSON file can be specified.

If both are unset, the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is checked for a filename. If no filename is named, an attempt is made to fetch an instance service account for the compute instance the program is running on. If this is not on a GCE instance, then you must define it with an API key or service account credentials JSON file.


optional object
Event batching behavior.


optional uint

The maximum size of a batch that is processed by a sink.

This is based on the uncompressed size of the batched events, before they are serialized/compressed.

default: 1e+07 (bytes)


optional uint
The maximum size of a batch before it is flushed.


optional float
The maximum age of a batch before it is flushed.
default: 1 (seconds)


required string literal

The billing account ID to which to publish logs.

Exactly one of billing_account_id, folder_id, organization_id, or project_id must be set.


optional object

Configures the buffering behavior for this sink.

More information about the individual buffer types, and buffer behavior, can be found in the Buffering Model section.


optional uint
The maximum number of events allowed in the buffer.
Relevant when: type = "memory"
default: 500


required uint

The maximum size of the buffer on disk.

Must be at least ~256 megabytes (268435488 bytes).

Relevant when: type = "disk"


optional string literal enum
The type of buffer to use.
Enum options

Events are buffered on disk.

This is less performant, but more durable. Data that has been synchronized to disk will not be lost if Vector is restarted forcefully or crashes.

Data is synchronized to disk every 500ms.


Events are buffered in memory.

This is more performant, but less durable. Data will be lost if Vector is restarted forcefully or crashes.

default: memory


optional string literal enum
Event handling behavior when a buffer is full.
Enum options

Wait for free space in the buffer.

This applies backpressure up the topology, signalling that sources should slow down the acceptance/consumption of events. This means that while no data is lost, data will pile up at the edge.


Drops the event instead of waiting for free space in buffer.

The event will be intentionally dropped. This mode is typically used when performance is the highest priority, and it is preferable to temporarily lose events rather than cause a slowdown in the acceptance/consumption of events.

default: block


optional string literal

Path to a service account credentials JSON file.

Either an API key or a path to a service account credentials JSON file can be specified.

If both are unset, the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is checked for a filename. If no filename is named, an attempt is made to fetch an instance service account for the compute instance the program is running on. If this is not on a GCE instance, then you must define it with an API key or service account credentials JSON file.


optional object
Transformations to prepare an event for serialization.


optional [string]
List of fields that are excluded from the encoded event.


optional [string]
List of fields that are included in the encoded event.


optional string literal enum
Format used for timestamp fields.
Enum options
rfc3339Represent the timestamp as a RFC 3339 timestamp.
unixRepresent the timestamp as a Unix timestamp.
unix_floatRepresent the timestamp as a Unix timestamp in floating point.
unix_msRepresent the timestamp as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
unix_nsRepresent the timestamp as a Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
unix_usRepresent the timestamp as a Unix timestamp in microseconds


required string literal

The folder ID to which to publish logs.

See the Google Cloud Platform folder documentation for more details.

Exactly one of billing_account_id, folder_id, organization_id, or project_id must be set.


optional object
Healthcheck configuration.


optional bool
Whether or not to check the health of the sink when Vector starts up.
default: true


required [string]

A list of upstream source or transform IDs.

Wildcards (*) are supported.

See configuration for more info.

Array string literal


required string template

The log ID to which to publish logs.

This is a name you create to identify this log stream.

Note: This parameter supports Vector's template syntax, which enables you to use dynamic per-event values.


required string literal

The organization ID to which to publish logs.

This would be the identifier assigned to your organization on Google Cloud Platform.

Exactly one of billing_account_id, folder_id, organization_id, or project_id must be set.


required string literal

The project ID to which to publish logs.

See the Google Cloud Platform project management documentation for more details.

Exactly one of billing_account_id, folder_id, organization_id, or project_id must be set.


optional object

Proxy configuration.

Configure to proxy traffic through an HTTP(S) proxy when making external requests.

Similar to common proxy configuration convention, you can set different proxies to use based on the type of traffic being proxied. You can also set specific hosts that should not be proxied.


optional bool
Enables proxying support.
default: true


optional string literal

Proxy endpoint to use when proxying HTTP traffic.

Must be a valid URI string.



optional string literal

Proxy endpoint to use when proxying HTTPS traffic.

Must be a valid URI string.



optional [string]

A list of hosts to avoid proxying.

Multiple patterns are allowed:

PatternExample match
Domain namesexample.com matches requests to example.com
Wildcard domains.example.com matches requests to example.com and its subdomains
IP addresses127.0.0.1 matches requests to
CIDR blocks192.168.0.0/16 matches requests to any IP addresses in this range
Splat* matches all hosts


optional object

Middleware settings for outbound requests.

Various settings can be configured, such as concurrency and rate limits, timeouts, retry behavior, etc.

Note that the retry backoff policy follows the Fibonacci sequence.

Configuration of adaptive concurrency parameters.

These parameters typically do not require changes from the default, and incorrect values can lead to meta-stable or unstable performance and sink behavior. Proceed with caution.

The fraction of the current value to set the new concurrency limit when decreasing the limit.

Valid values are greater than 0 and less than 1. Smaller values cause the algorithm to scale back rapidly when latency increases.

Note that the new limit is rounded down after applying this ratio.

default: 0.9

The weighting of new measurements compared to older measurements.

Valid values are greater than 0 and less than 1.

ARC uses an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of past RTT measurements as a reference to compare with the current RTT. Smaller values cause this reference to adjust more slowly, which may be useful if a service has unusually high response variability.

default: 0.4

The initial concurrency limit to use. If not specified, the initial limit will be 1 (no concurrency).

It is recommended to set this value to your service’s average limit if you’re seeing that it takes a long time to ramp up adaptive concurrency after a restart. You can find this value by looking at the adaptive_concurrency_limit metric.

default: 1

The maximum concurrency limit.

The adaptive request concurrency limit will not go above this bound. This is put in place as a safeguard.

default: 200

Scale of RTT deviations which are not considered anomalous.

Valid values are greater than or equal to 0, and we expect reasonable values to range from 1.0 to 3.0.

When calculating the past RTT average, we also compute a secondary “deviation” value that indicates how variable those values are. We use that deviation when comparing the past RTT average to the current measurements, so we can ignore increases in RTT that are within an expected range. This factor is used to scale up the deviation to an appropriate range. Larger values cause the algorithm to ignore larger increases in the RTT.

default: 2.5


optional string literal enum uint

Configuration for outbound request concurrency.

This can be set either to one of the below enum values or to a positive integer, which denotes a fixed concurrency limit.

Enum options
adaptiveConcurrency will be managed by Vector’s Adaptive Request Concurrency feature.

A fixed concurrency of 1.

Only one request can be outstanding at any given time.

default: adaptive
The time window used for the rate_limit_num option.
default: 1 (seconds)
The maximum number of requests allowed within the rate_limit_duration_secs time window.
default: 1000 (requests)
The maximum number of retries to make for failed requests.
default: 9.223372036854776e+18 (retries)

The amount of time to wait before attempting the first retry for a failed request.

After the first retry has failed, the fibonacci sequence is used to select future backoffs.

default: 1 (seconds)


optional string literal enum
The jitter mode to use for retry backoff behavior.
Enum options

Full jitter.

The random delay is anywhere from 0 up to the maximum current delay calculated by the backoff strategy.

Incorporating full jitter into your backoff strategy can greatly reduce the likelihood of creating accidental denial of service (DoS) conditions against your own systems when many clients are recovering from a failure state.

NoneNo jitter.
default: Full
The maximum amount of time to wait between retries.
default: 30 (seconds)

The time a request can take before being aborted.

Datadog highly recommends that you do not lower this value below the service’s internal timeout, as this could create orphaned requests, pile on retries, and result in duplicate data downstream.

default: 60 (seconds)


required object

A monitored resource.

The monitored resource to associate the logs with.


required string template
A type-specific label.
Note: This parameter supports Vector's template syntax, which enables you to use dynamic per-event values.


required string literal

The monitored resource type.

For example, the type of a Compute Engine VM instance is gce_instance. See the Google Cloud Platform monitored resource documentation for more details.


optional string literal

The field of the log event from which to take the outgoing log’s severity field.

The named field is removed from the log event if present, and must be either an integer between 0 and 800 or a string containing one of the severity level names (case is ignored) or a common prefix such as err.

If no severity key is specified, the severity of outgoing records is set to 0 (DEFAULT).

See the GCP Stackdriver Logging LogSeverity description for more details on the value of the severity field.



optional object
TLS configuration.


optional [string]

Sets the list of supported ALPN protocols.

Declare the supported ALPN protocols, which are used during negotiation with peer. They are prioritized in the order that they are defined.


optional string literal

Absolute path to an additional CA certificate file.

The certificate must be in the DER or PEM (X.509) format. Additionally, the certificate can be provided as an inline string in PEM format.



optional string literal

Absolute path to a certificate file used to identify this server.

The certificate must be in DER, PEM (X.509), or PKCS#12 format. Additionally, the certificate can be provided as an inline string in PEM format.

If this is set, and is not a PKCS#12 archive, key_file must also be set.



optional string literal

Absolute path to a private key file used to identify this server.

The key must be in DER or PEM (PKCS#8) format. Additionally, the key can be provided as an inline string in PEM format.



optional string literal

Passphrase used to unlock the encrypted key file.

This has no effect unless key_file is set.



optional string literal

Server name to use when using Server Name Indication (SNI).

Only relevant for outgoing connections.


Enables certificate verification. For components that create a server, this requires that the client connections have a valid client certificate. For components that initiate requests, this validates that the upstream has a valid certificate.

If enabled, certificates must not be expired and must be issued by a trusted issuer. This verification operates in a hierarchical manner, checking that the leaf certificate (the certificate presented by the client/server) is not only valid, but that the issuer of that certificate is also valid, and so on until the verification process reaches a root certificate.

Do NOT set this to false unless you understand the risks of not verifying the validity of certificates.


optional bool

Enables hostname verification.

If enabled, the hostname used to connect to the remote host must be present in the TLS certificate presented by the remote host, either as the Common Name or as an entry in the Subject Alternative Name extension.

Only relevant for outgoing connections.

Do NOT set this to false unless you understand the risks of not verifying the remote hostname.

Environment variables


common optional string literal
The filename for a Google Cloud service account credentials JSON file used for authentication.





The number of bytes current in the buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of events dropped by this non-blocking buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of events currently in the buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of bytes received by this buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of events received by this buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of bytes sent by this buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of events sent by this buffer.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The number of events dropped by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
True if the events were discarded intentionally, like a filter transform, or false if due to an error.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The total number of errors encountered by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
The type of the error
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
The stage within the component at which the error occurred.


The number of event bytes accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.



A histogram of the number of events passed in each internal batch in Vector’s internal topology.

Note that this is separate than sink-level batching. It is mostly useful for low level debugging performance issues in Vector due to small internal batches.

The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.


The number of events accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.


The number of raw bytes sent by this component to destination sinks.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
endpoint optional
The endpoint to which the bytes were sent. For HTTP, this will be the host and path only, excluding the query string.
file optional
The absolute path of the destination file.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
The protocol used to send the bytes.
region optional
The AWS region name to which the bytes were sent. In some configurations, this may be a literal hostname.


The total number of event bytes emitted by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
output optional
The specific output of the component.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The total number of events emitted by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
output optional
The specific output of the component.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


A ratio from 0 to 1 of the load on a component. A value of 0 would indicate a completely idle component that is simply waiting for input. A value of 1 would indicate a that is never idle. This value is updated every 5 seconds.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


Platform: Google Cloud Platform
Relevant policies
PolicyRequired forRequired when
  • healthcheck
  • operation

How it works

Buffers and batches

This component buffers & batches data as shown in the diagram above. You’ll notice that Vector treats these concepts differently, instead of treating them as global concepts, Vector treats them as sink specific concepts. This isolates sinks, ensuring services disruptions are contained and delivery guarantees are honored.

Batches are flushed when 1 of 2 conditions are met:

  1. The batch age meets or exceeds the configured timeout_secs.
  2. The batch size meets or exceeds the configured max_bytes or max_events.

Buffers are controlled via the buffer.* options.

GCP Authentication

GCP offers a variety of authentication methods and Vector is concerned with the server to server methods and will find credentials in the following order:

  1. If the credentials_path option is set.
  2. If the api_key option is set.
  3. If the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is set.
  4. Finally, Vector will check for an instance service account.

If credentials aren’t found, Vector’s health checks fail and an error is logged.

Health checks

Health checks ensure that the downstream service is accessible and ready to accept data. This check is performed upon sink initialization. If the health check fails an error will be logged and Vector will proceed to start.

Require health checks

If you’d like to exit immediately upon a health check failure, you can pass the --require-healthy flag:

vector --config /etc/vector/vector.yaml --require-healthy

Disable health checks

If you’d like to disable health checks for this sink you can set the healthcheck option to false.

Rate limits & adaptive concurrency

Adaptive Request Concurrency (ARC)

Adaptive Request Concurrency is a feature of Vector that does away with static concurrency limits and automatically optimizes HTTP concurrency based on downstream service responses. The underlying mechanism is a feedback loop inspired by TCP congestion control algorithms. Checkout the announcement blog post,

We highly recommend enabling this feature as it improves performance and reliability of Vector and the systems it communicates with. As such, we have made it the default, and no further configuration is required.

Static concurrency

If Adaptive Request Concurrency is not for you, you can manually set static concurrency limits by specifying an integer for request.concurrency:

			concurrency: 10

Rate limits

In addition to limiting request concurrency, you can also limit the overall request throughput via the request.rate_limit_duration_secs and request.rate_limit_num options.

			rate_limit_duration_secs: 1
			rate_limit_num: 10

These will apply to both adaptive and fixed request.concurrency values.

Retry policy

Vector will retry failed requests (status == 429, >= 500, and != 501). Other responses will not be retried. You can control the number of retry attempts and backoff rate with the request.retry_attempts and request.retry_backoff_secs options.

Severity Level Mapping

If a severity_key is configured, outgoing log records have their severity header field set from the named field in the Vector event. However, the required values for this field may be inconvenient to produce, typically requiring a custom mapping using an additional transform. To assist with this, this sink remaps certain commonly used words to the required numbers as in the following table. Note that only the prefix is compared, such that a value of emergency matches emerg, and the comparison ignores case.



This component is stateless, meaning its behavior is consistent across each input.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Vector uses OpenSSL for TLS protocols due to OpenSSL’s maturity. You can enable and adjust TLS behavior via the tls.* options and/or via an OpenSSL configuration file. The file location defaults to /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf or can be specified with the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable.