
Modify event data using the Lua programming language

status: stable egress: stream state: stateful
Transform events with a full embedded Lua 5.4 engine.


The lua transform is ~60% slower than the remap transform; we recommend that you use the remap transform whenever possible. The lua transform is designed solely for edge cases not covered by the remap transform and not as a go-to option. If the remap transform doesn’t cover your use case, please open an issue and let us know.


Example configurations

  "transforms": {
    "my_transform_id": {
      "type": "lua",
      "inputs": [
      "version": "1"
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "1"
    type: lua
      - my-source-or-transform-id
    version: "1"


optional object

Extra graph configuration

Configure output for component when generated with graph command


optional object

Node attributes to add to this component’s node in resulting graph

They are added to the node as provided

required string literal
A single graph node attribute in graphviz DOT language.


required object

Lifecycle hooks.

These hooks can be set to perform additional processing during the lifecycle of the transform.


optional string literal

The function called when the first event comes in, before hooks.process is called.

It can produce new events using the emit function.

This can either be inline Lua that defines a closure to use, or the name of the Lua function to call. In both cases, the closure/function takes a single parameter, emit, which is a reference to a function for emitting events.



required string literal

The function called for each incoming event.

It can produce new events using the emit function.

This can either be inline Lua that defines a closure to use, or the name of the Lua function to call. In both cases, the closure/function takes two parameters. The first parameter, event, is the event being processed, while the second parameter, emit, is a reference to a function for emitting events.



optional string literal

The function called when the transform is stopped.

It can produce new events using the emit function.

This can either be inline Lua that defines a closure to use, or the name of the Lua function to call. In both cases, the closure/function takes a single parameter, emit, which is a reference to a function for emitting events.



required [string]

A list of upstream source or transform IDs.

Wildcards (*) are supported.

See configuration for more info.

Array string literal


optional string literal enum

When set to single, metric tag values are exposed as single strings, the same as they were before this config option. Tags with multiple values show the last assigned value, and null values are ignored.

When set to full, all metric tags are exposed as arrays of either string or null values.

Enum options string literal
fullAll tags are exposed as arrays of either string or null values.
singleTag values are exposed as single strings, the same as they were before this config option. Tags with multiple values show the last assigned value, and null values are ignored.
default: single


optional [string]

A list of directories to search when loading a Lua file via the require function.

If not specified, the modules are looked up in the configuration directories.

Array string literal


optional string literal

The Lua program to initialize the transform with.

The program can be used to import external dependencies, as well as define the functions used for the various lifecycle hooks. However, it’s not strictly required, as the lifecycle hooks can be configured directly with inline Lua source for each respective hook.



optional [object]
A list of timers which should be configured and executed periodically.
Array object


required string literal

The handler function which is called when the timer ticks.

It can produce new events using the emit function.

This can either be inline Lua that defines a closure to use, or the name of the Lua function to call. In both cases, the closure/function takes a single parameter, emit, which is a reference to a function for emitting events.

The interval to execute the handler, in seconds.


required string literal enum

Transform API version.

Specifying this version ensures that backward compatibility is not broken.

Enum options string literal

Lua transform API version 1.

This version is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

2Lua transform API version 2.



Default output stream of the component. Use this component’s ID as an input to downstream transforms and sinks.





The number of events dropped by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
True if the events were discarded intentionally, like a filter transform, or false if due to an error.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The total number of errors encountered by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
The type of the error
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
The stage within the component at which the error occurred.


The number of event bytes accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.



A histogram of the number of events passed in each internal batch in Vector’s internal topology.

Note that this is separate than sink-level batching. It is mostly useful for low level debugging performance issues in Vector due to small internal batches.

The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.


The number of events accepted by this component either from tagged origins like file and uri, or cumulatively from other origins.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
container_name optional
The name of the container from which the data originated.
file optional
The file from which the data originated.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
mode optional
The connection mode used by the component.
peer_addr optional
The IP from which the data originated.
peer_path optional
The pathname from which the data originated.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.
pod_name optional
The name of the pod from which the data originated.
uri optional
The sanitized URI from which the data originated.


The total number of event bytes emitted by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
output optional
The specific output of the component.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The total number of events emitted by this component.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
output optional
The specific output of the component.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


The total memory currently being used by the Lua runtime.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


A ratio from 0 to 1 of the load on a component. A value of 0 would indicate a completely idle component that is simply waiting for input. A value of 1 would indicate a that is never idle. This value is updated every 5 seconds.
The Vector component ID.
The Vector component kind.
The Vector component type.
host optional
The hostname of the system Vector is running on.
pid optional
The process ID of the Vector instance.


Add, rename, and remove log fields

Given this event...
  "log": {
    "field_to_remove": "remove me",
    "field_to_rename": "old value"
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"

  process = """
function (event, emit)
\t-- Add root level field
\tevent.log.field = "new value"
\t-- Add nested field
\tevent.log.nested = {}
\tevent.log.nested.field = "nested value"
\t-- Rename field
\tevent.log.renamed_field = event.log.field_to_rename
\tevent.log.field_to_rename = nil
\t-- Remove fields
\tevent.log.field_to_remove = nil
...this Vector event is produced:
  "field": "new value",
  "nested": {
    "field": "nested value"
  "renamed_field": "old value"

Add, rename, remove metric tags

Given this event...
  "metric": {
    "counter": {
      "value": 2
    "kind": "incremental",
    "name": "logins",
    "tags": {
      "tag_to_remove": "remove me",
      "tag_to_rename": "old value"
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"

  process = """
function (event, emit)
\t-- Add tag
\tevent.metric.tags.tag = "new value"
\t-- Rename tag
\tevent.metric.tags.renamed_tag = event.log.tag_to_rename
\tevent.metric.tags.tag_to_rename = nil
\t-- Remove tag
\tevent.metric.tags.tag_to_remove = nil
...this Vector event is produced:
  "counter": {
    "value": 2
  "kind": "incremental",
  "name": "logins",
  "tags": {
    "renamed_tag": "old value",
    "tag": "new value"

Drop an event

Given this event...
  "log": {
    "field_to_remove": "remove me",
    "field_to_rename": "old value"
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"

  process = """
function (event, emit)
\t-- Drop event entirely by not calling the `emit` function
...this Vector event is produced:

Iterate over log fields

Given this event...
  "log": {
    "value_to_keep": "keep",
    "value_to_remove": "-"
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"

  process = """
function (event, emit)
\t-- Remove all fields where the value is "-"
\tfor f, v in pairs(event) do
\t\tif v == "-" then
\t\t\tevent[f] = nil
...this Vector event is produced:
  "value_to_keep": "keep"

Parse timestamps

Given this event...
  "log": {
    "timestamp_string": "2020-04-07 06:26:02.643"
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"
source = """
  timestamp_pattern = "(%d%d%d%d)[-](%d%d)[-](%d%d) (%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d).?(%d*)"
  function parse_timestamp(str)
\tlocal year, month, day, hour, min, sec, millis = string.match(str, timestamp_pattern)
\tlocal ms = 0
\tif millis and millis ~= "" then
\t\tms = tonumber(millis)
\treturn {
\t\tyear    = tonumber(year),
\t\tmonth   = tonumber(month),
\t\tday     = tonumber(day),
\t\thour    = tonumber(hour),
\t\tmin     = tonumber(min),
\t\tsec     = tonumber(sec),
\t\tnanosec = ms * 1000000
  function process(event, emit)
\tevent.log.timestamp = parse_timestamp(event.log.timestamp_string)

  process = "process"
...this Vector event is produced:
  "timestamp": "2020-04-07 06:26:02.643",
  "timestamp_string": "2020-04-07 06:26:02.643"

Count the number of logs

Given this event...
  "log": {}
...and this configuration...
type = "lua"
inputs = [ "my-source-or-transform-id" ]
version = "2"
source = """
function init()
\tcount = 0
function process()
\tcount = count + 1
function timer_handler(emit)
\tcount = 0
function shutdown(emit)
function make_counter(value)
\treturn metric = {
\t\tname = "event_counter",
\t\tkind = "incremental",
\t\ttimestamp ="!*t"),
\t\tcounter = {
\t\t\tvalue = value

  init = "init"
  process = "process"
  shutdown = "shutdown"

  interval_seconds = 5
  handler = "timer_handler"
...this Vector event is produced:
  "counter": {
    "value": 1
  "kind": "incremental",
  "name": "event_counter",
  "tags": {
    "renamed_tag": "old value",
    "tag": "new value"

How it works

Event Data Model

The process hook takes an event as its first argument. Events are represented as tables in Lua and follow Vector’s data model exactly. Please refer to Vector’s data model reference for the event schema. How Vector’s types map to Lua’s type are covered below.

Type Mappings

The correspondence between Vector’s data types and Lua data type is summarized by the following table:

Vector TypeLua TypeComment
TimestamptableThere is no dedicated timestamp type in Lua. Timestamps are represented as tables using the convention defined by and os.time. The table representation of a timestamp contains the fields year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nanosec, yday, wday, and isdst. If such a table is passed from Lua to Vector, the fields yday, wday, and isdst can be omitted. In addition to the os.time representation, Vector supports sub-second resolution with a nanosec field in the table.
Nullempty stringIn Lua setting the value of a table field to nil means deletion of this field. In addition, the length operator # does not work in the expected way with sequences containing nulls. Because of that Null values are encoded as empty strings.
ArraysequenceSequences are a special case of tables. Indexes start from 1, following the Lua convention.

Learning Lua

In order to write non-trivial transforms in Lua, one has to have basic understanding of Lua. Because Lua is an easy to learn language, reading a few first chapters of the official book or consulting the manual would suffice.

Search Directories

Vector provides a search_dirs option that allows you to specify absolute paths that will be searched when using the Lua require function. If this option is not set, the directories of the configuration files will be used instead.


This component is stateful, meaning its behavior changes based on previous inputs (events). State is not preserved across restarts, therefore state-dependent behavior will reset between restarts and depend on the inputs (events) received since the most recent restart.