Install Vector from source
This page covers installing Vector from source using the native toolchain for the host.
Vector can also be compiled to a static binary for Linux for x86_64, ARM64, and ARMv7 architectures. See compiling using Docker for details.
Install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain stable
Install compilation dependencies, specifically C and C++ compilers (GCC or Clang) and GNU make
if they aren’t pre-installed on your system.
Download Vector’s source:
# Latest (0.45.0)
mkdir -p vector && \
curl -sSfL --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 | \
tar xzf - -C vector --strip-components=1
# Master
mkdir -p vector && \
curl -sSfL --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 | \
tar xzf - -C vector --strip-components=1
Change into your Vector directory:
cd vector
Compile Vector:
[FEATURES="<flag1>,<flag2>,..."] make build
environment variable is optional. You can override the default features using this variable. See feature flags for more info.
When finished, the Vector binary is placed in target/<target>/release/vector
. If you’re building Vector on your Mac, for example, the target triple is x86_64-apple-darwin
and the Vector binary will be located at target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/vector
Finally, you can start Vector:
target/<target>/release/vector --config config/vector.yaml
Install Rust using rustup
. If you don’t have VC++ build tools, the install will prompt you to install them.
Install and add CMake to PATH
Install and add Protoc to PATH
Install Perl for Windows.
Add Perl to your PATH
. In a Rust/MSVC environment (for example using x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
) add the binary directory of Perl installed on the previous step to PATH
. For example, for default installation of Strawberry Perl it is
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin
Get Vector’s source using Git:
# Latest
git clone
git checkout v0.45.0
cd vector
# Master
git clone
cd vector
Build Vector in release mode:
set RUSTFLAGS=-Ctarget-feature=+crt-static
cargo build --no-default-features --features default-msvc --release
Start Vector. After these steps, a binary vector.exe
in target\release
would be created. It can be started by running:
.\target\release\vector --config config\vector.toml
You can build statically linked binaries of Vector for Linux using cross in Docker. If you do so, the dependencies listed in the previous section aren’t needed, as all of them would be automatically pulled by Docker.
First, download Vector’s source:
# Latest (0.45.0)
mkdir -p vector && \
curl -sSfL --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 | \
tar xzf - -C vector --strip-components=1
# Master
mkdir -p vector && \
curl -sSfL --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 | \
tar xzf - -C vector --strip-components=1
Second, install cross.
And then build Vector using cross:
# Linux (x86_64)
make package-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-all
# Linux (ARM64)
make package-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl-all
# Linux (ARMv7)
make package-armv7-unknown-linux-muslueabihf-all
The command above builds a Docker image with a Rust toolchain for a Linux target for the corresponding architecture using musl
as the C library, then starts a container from this image, and then builds inside the container. The target binary is located at target/<target triple>/release/vector
as in the previous case.
Next steps
The Vector configuration file is located at:
Example configurations are located in config/vector/examples/*
. You can learn more about configuring Vector in the Configuration documentation.
Data directory
We recommend creating a data directory that Vector can use:
mkdir /var/lib/vector
process.Vector offers a global data_dir
option that you can use to specify the path of your directory:
data_dir = "/var/lib/vector" # default
Service managers
Vector archives ship with service files in case you need them:
To install Vector into Init.d, run:
cp -av etc/init.d/vector /etc/init.d
To install Vector into Systemd, run:
cp -av etc/systemd/vector.service /etc/systemd/system
To update Vector, follow the same installation instructions above.
How it works
Feature flags
Vector supports many feature flags to customize which features are included in a build. By default, all sources, transforms, and sinks are enabled. To view a complete list of features, they are listed under “[features]” here.