Install Vector using Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that facilitates the deployment and management of applications and services on Kubernetes clusters. This page covers installing and managing the Vector chart.

Adding the Helm repo

If you haven’t already, start by adding the Vector repo:

helm repo add vector
helm repo update


The Vector Agent lets you collect data from your sources and then deliver it to a variety of destinations with sinks.


To check available Helm chart configuration options:

helm show values vector/vector

This example configuration file deploys Vector as an Agent, the full default configuration can be found here. For more information about configuration options, see the configuration docs page.

cat <<-'VALUES' > values.yaml
role: Agent


Once you add the Vector Helm repo, and added a Vector configuration file, install the Vector Agent:

helm install vector vector/vector \
  --namespace vector \
  --create-namespace \
  --values values.yaml


Or to update the Vector Agent:

helm repo update && \
helm upgrade vector vector/vector \
  --namespace vector \


The Vector Aggregator lets you transform and ship data collected by other agents. For example, it can insure that the data you are collecting is scrubbed of sensitive information, properly formatted for downstream consumers, sampled to reduce volume, and more.


To check available Helm chart configuration options:

helm show values vector/vector

The chart deploys an Aggregator by default, the full configuration can be found here. For more information about configuration options, see the Configuration docs page.


Once you add the Vector Helm repo, install the Vector Aggregator:

helm install vector vector/vector \
  --namespace vector \


Or to update the Vector Aggregator:

helm repo update && \
helm upgrade vector vector/vector \
  --namespace vector \

Uninstalling Vector

To uninstall the Vector helm chart:

helm uninstall vector --namespace vector

View Helm Chart Source

If you’d like to clone the charts, file an Issue or submit a Pull Request, please take a look at vectordotdev/helm-charts.
