0.11 Upgrade Guide

An upgrade guide that addresses breaking changes in 0.11.0

0.11 includes some minor breaking changes:

  1. The metrics emitted by the internal_metrics source have changed names.
  2. The statsd sink now supports all socket types.
  3. The source_type field is now explicit in the splunk_hec sink.
  4. Remove forwarding to syslog from distributed systemd unit.
  5. The http source no longer dedots JSON fields.
  6. The prometheus sink has been renamed to prometheus_exporter
  7. The reduce transform identifier_fields was renamed to group_by.

We cover each below to help you upgrade quickly:

Upgrade Guide

Breaking: The metrics emitted by the internal_metrics source have changed names

We have not officially announced the internal_metrics source (coming in 0.12) due to the high probability of metric name changes.Since then we’ve settled on a metric naming convention that is largely inspired by the Prometheus naming convention. 0.11 includes these naming changes.

To upgrade, please see the following:

  1. internal_metrics names
  2. Metric names diff

You’ll likely need to update any downstream consumers of this data. We plan to ship official Vector dashboards in 0.12 that will relieve this maintenance burden for you in the future.

Breaking: The statsd sink now supports all socket types

If you’re using the statsd sink you’ll need to add the new mode option that specifies which protocol you’d like to use. Previously, the only protocol available was UDP.

   type = "statsd"
+  mode = "udp"

Breaking: The source_type field is now explicit in the splunk_hec sink

Previously, the splunk_hec sink was using the event’s source_type field and mapping that to Splunk’s expected sourcetype field. Splunk uses this field to inform parsing and processing of the data. Because this field can vary depending on your data, we’ve made the sourcetype field an explicit option:

   type = "splunk_hec"
+  sourcetype = "syslog" # only set this if your `message` field is formatted as syslog

Only set this field if you want to explicitly inform Splunk of your message field’s format. Most users will not want to set this field.

Breaking: Remove forwarding to syslog from distributed systemd unit

Vector’s previous Systemd unit file included configuration that forwarded Vector’s logs over Syslog. This was presumptuous and we’ve removed these settings in favor of your system defaults.

If you’d like Vector to continue logging to Syslog, you’ll need to add back the removed options, but most users should not have to do anything.

Breaking: The http source no longer dedots JSON fields

Previously, the http source would dedot JSON keys in incoming data. This means that a JSON payload like this:

  "first.second": "value"

Would turn into this after being ingested into Vector:

  "first": {
    "second": "value"

This is incorrect as Vector should not alter your data in this way. This has been corrected and your events will keep . in their key names.

There is nothing you need to do to upgrade except understand that your data structure may change if it contained . characters in the keys.

Deprecation: The prometheus sink has been renamed to prometheus_exporter

The prometheus sink has been renamed to prometheus_exporter since 0.11 introduced a new prometheus_remote_write sink. This renaming distinguishes between the two. Upgrading is easy:

-  type = "prometheus"
+  type = "prometheus_exporter"
-  namespace = "..."
+  default_namespace = "..."

Deprecation: The reduce transform identifier_fields was renamed to group_by

We renamed the reduce transform’s identifier_fields option to group_by for clarity. We are repositioning this transform to handle broad reduce operations, such as merging multi-line logs together:

   type = "reduce"
-  identifier_fields = ["my_field"]
+  group_by = ["my_field"]