Vector v0.6.0 release notes

Code name The Long Stretch

Upgrading Vector
When upgrading, we recommend stepping through minor versions as these can each contain breaking changes while Vector is pre-1.0. These breaking changes are noted in their respective upgrade guides.


Require encoding option for console and file sinks

type: breaking change domain: sinks sink: console sink: file
The datadog sink has been renamed to datadog_metrics

type: breaking change domain: sinks sink: datadog_metrics
Use Custom DNS Servers

type: new feature domain: networking
New AWS EC2 Metadata Transform

type: new feature domain: transforms transform: aws_ec2_metadata
New Kubernetes Source (alpha)

type: new feature domain: sources source: kubernetes
Windows Support Is Here!

type: new feature domain: platforms


27 enhancements

kafka source Add commit_interval_ms option 944 platforms Update leveldb-sys up to 2.0.5 1055 networking Add support for systemd socket activation 1045 regex_parser transform Set default drop_field to true metric data model Metrics buffer & aggregation 930 datadog_metrics sink Use metric buffer in Datadog sink 1080 elasticsearch sink Wrap provider call with a tokio runtime 1104 lua transform Allow iteration over fields 1111 grok_parser transform Update grok to version 1.0.1 1124 file sink Automatically create missing directories 1094 cli Show Git version and target triple in vector --version output 1044 observability Ensure internal rate limiting is logged 1151 config Refactor the batching configuration 1154 platforms Use vendored OpenSSL 1170 operations Add clean target to Makefile 1171 json_parser transform Add support for target field configuration 1165 config Support default environment variable values 1185 cli Allow >1 config targets for validate command 1218 platforms Make openssl/vendored feature optional 1239 blackhole sink Accept metric events, too 1237 platforms Update openssl dependency 1240 http sink Add JSON encoding option 1174 metric data model Reorganise metric model 1217 docker source Enrich events with metadata 1149 config Refactor the sinks' request_* configuration 1187 datadog_metrics sink Send aggregated distributions to Datadog 1263 cli Test & validate subcommands without args target default path 1313

14 new features

new sink Initial datadog_metrics implementation 967 cli Add validate sub command 1064 cli Add list subcommand 1156 cli Add generate subcommand 1168 new platform Support armv7-unknown-linux (Raspberry Pi, etc) platforms 1054 new platform Support aarch64-unknown-linux (ARM64, Raspberry Pi, etc) platforms 1193 new transform Initial ansi_stripper transform implementation 1188 new transform Initial geoip transform implementation 1015 new platform Support x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (Windows 7+) platform 1205 cli Add test sub-command 1220 networking Custom DNS resolution 1118 new sink Initial new_relic_logs sink implementation 1303 new source Initial splunk_hec source implementation file source Detect and read gzipped files 1344

29 bug fixes

cli Make global options actually use default 1013 docker platform Add ca certificates for docker image 1014 stdin source Resolve inability to shutdown Vector when stdā€¦ 960 config Require encoding option for console and file sinks 1033 journald source Fix a couple minor issues with checkpointing 1086 journald source Rework option to limit records to current boot in journald source 1105 journald source Cursor/checkpoint fixes 1106 elasticsearch sink Flatten out region configuration in elasticsearch sink 1116 observability Improve topology tracing spans 1123 journald source Limit journald records to the current boot 1122 journald source Flush and reset any current filter before applying new filter 1135 aws_cloudwatch_metrics sink Fix metrics batch strategy in sinks 1141 elasticsearch sink Stop accidentally requiring region for ES 1161 json_parser transform Fixes a bug dropping parsed field 1167 elasticsearch sink host is not required when provider is AWS 1164 grok_parser transform Don’t drop parsed field 1172 testing Increase wait timeouts in tests which otherwise fail on slow CPUs 1181 journald source Re-fix journald cursor handling and libsystemd name 1202 platforms Don’t put *.erb files to configs directory 1241 file source Sleep to avoid split reads 1236 operations Remove extra setup_remote_docker step from release-docker 1287 operations Fix S3 release verification 1286 operations Upgrade Docker on the step in which it is used 1288 operations Run package-rpm* jobs explicitly 1298 datadog_metrics sink Rename datadog sink to datadog_metrics 1314 statsd sink Fix statsd binding to loopback only 1316 grok_parser transform Add missing rate limited log 1336 testing Remove sleeps from topology tests 1346 operations Put etc directory only to Linux archives 1352

Download Version 0.6.0

Linux (deb)
Linux (rpm)
Windows (MSI)